Canadian Collaborative Project on Genetic Susceptibility in Multiple Sclerosis (CCPGSMS)
I've been invited by Dr. Mandat Maharaj, on behalf of the Dalhousie Multiple Sclerosis Research Unit, to participate in a research study on the above title. Apparently I have been "assessed as being eligible" for the study and it is inclusive of 15 clinics nation wide. The idea behind the study is to "ascertain more clearly the specific genes involved in MS, as well as any environmental factors which may play a role." I guess in order to find a cure we have to find a cause. I don't see why I wouldn't participate. It's my future we're talking about here.
Now maybe it's just bias, as I have a vested interest, but it seems to me that scientists who study the mating habits of endangered fruit flies of the Amazon are a waste of a scientific brain. This venture seems to me totally worth while. And while they may ask for multiple blood samples and god knows what else, I just can't say no to good research that may help me and people like me. As Canada has one of the highest rates of MS in the world, if not the highest, we should naturally be one of the leaders in the fight for a cure. At least that's how I see it.
So now I just have to wait for this Alberta Schaap or Cindy McCarron to call me. I hope they do soon because in two days I'll be living in Montreal. :)
So I guess the next step is to find out who my fathers real family is so I can give them all the required information. I never thought I'd have to do that. And I have to, because it's good research, and I don't mind tearing though a few layers of emotional pain and discomfort to find a cure one day. If my suffering will prevent someone's pain in the future then so be it, eh? This is essentially it: my (birth) father is an asshole--he was adopted--don't know him, or his real family, know that one of his blood brothers lives in North Sydney, and another lives in Donkin. That's the best place to start. oooo... I feel like a detective... Just like law & order. hehehe. The difficult part is that I'm going to have to do all of this from Montreal--in my spare time, which is going to be almost nil.
And that's that, I guess.