Monday, August 22, 2005

Heart stuff and Rebif

Current Meds:
1. Citalopram 10mg once daily

Current Symptoms
Physical: slight tremors in left leg and hand (usually worsens with physical exertion)
Sensory: Optic neuritis in left eye
Psychological (memory/mood): none
Medication side effect?: none

I did the follow up on the EKG with Dr. Dorar today and he is sending me for another one at the New Waterford hospital. He's going to get the cardiologist to read it and send him a report. He's not sure what to make of my borderline reading. Hopefully it's nothing.

I'm awaiting my supplies in the mail from Rebif. I received the medication (in prefilled needles) last week by bus (Acadian Lines) and it is chilling in the fridge. The nurse is coming this Friday at 4 to show me how to administer the self-injections. The rebif kit should be along before the nurse gets here.

I forgot to grab the rebif information book when I was at Jessi's last night (I let her read it while I was on vacation) so I don't have anything else to say about it until I can remember to grab it sometime. Can't believe I forgot it again. lol

I have to say I am really impressed with the rebif support system. They are so fast. They called the day after I made my decision and sent the meds. And are continuing to call and check up on me on a regular basis. Really impressive. And so nice! Very nice to have these people on your side. :)


At 7:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yay drugs! Better yet, yay drugs with tech support:)
As always, you are awesome. I'm proud of you :)



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